Computer Demystification & graphics
WebSite Request Form

Required Fields marked with *)
*E-mail Address
*Your Phone:

What are your company's three colors:
(click in the fields below and a color grid will appear allowing you to select the color)

Primare color:
Second major color:
Accent Color:

List the top ten things that make your company a better
choice than your competitors (unique):

List the top five keywords or short phrases that a
potential customer might type into a search engine
to find a company of your type:


Secret Code*: You must type the code shown in the image below
(this prevents SPAMMER robots from abusing this form
)there are twio numeric characters in it.

Logo File
up to 200Kb
(i.e.: Image/MS Word/PDF file/Clipart: WMF/EPS)
Other artwork
up to 200Kb

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